Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Recently Watched..
Happy Thursday All!!
i wanna tell bout my favourite: watching movie!!
me love it but lately i have no time to go to any cinema. so, i bought a lot of DVDs to satisfy my desire (ahay.. :p)
these are movies i recently watched
Aryo decided to buy a dragon after watching this movie (rate: very recomended)
i don't really feel this movie, missing on many scenes because of the military term (rate: so~ so~)
a little bit childish, but it's watch worthy (rate: recomended)
love john travolta in this movie!! good plotting and acting (rate: very recomended)
Fun and refreshing.. (rate: recomended)
absurd, hehe.. i wondering bout the angel's duty in here.. (rate: watch it when u don't know what to do)
borrowed from octa, and i love it! (rate: very recomended)
romantic and i can't refuse for channing tatum! how cuteeee.. (rate: recomended)
call me so outdated :p i really love this movie! many slices and bloods. wuw! (rate: very recomended)
robin william never dissapoint me.. another good movie from him (rate: very recomended)
the girl is so pretty, and it's a true education movie, especially for woman (rate: recomended)
a father always love his children badly, a family story, unique (rate: recomended)
when a father do anything for his child, and when businessman meets scientist, good movie (rate:very recomended)
weird relationship, not really like this one (rate: so~ so~)
i wanna tell bout my favourite: watching movie!!
me love it but lately i have no time to go to any cinema. so, i bought a lot of DVDs to satisfy my desire (ahay.. :p)
these are movies i recently watched

those rating is just my opinion, u can rate it differently :)
give me ur recomendation ok! i really love a good movie..
enjoy ur day pals!
ps: at least the rain is coming! ugh, i feel so hot lately.. welcome rain and rainbow :)
give me ur recomendation ok! i really love a good movie..
enjoy ur day pals!
ps: at least the rain is coming! ugh, i feel so hot lately.. welcome rain and rainbow :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Super Sweet Cookies!!
Hai hoooo..!
i have accomplished my cookies project!! Alhamdulillah..
At least i've done my project, not another wishy-washy-project agaiiiinnn.. wuw.. :D
i really feel the advanteges of making this blog, it makes my aims stronger. thanks blogger.. :)
here is the picture of my cookies... i made it on Sunday without anyone's help.. i really proud of me!! hohoho..
fresh from the oven
2 jars of cookies for my hubby and my coworkers
i have accomplished my cookies project!! Alhamdulillah..
At least i've done my project, not another wishy-washy-project agaiiiinnn.. wuw.. :D
i really feel the advanteges of making this blog, it makes my aims stronger. thanks blogger.. :)
here is the picture of my cookies... i made it on Sunday without anyone's help.. i really proud of me!! hohoho..

My cookies taste good! but a little bit sweeeeett.. hehehe.. my friend octa call it "toothache cookies" hahaha..
i wanna made another meal my own.. i love cooking!! :p beside it's my hubby's requirements of being his wife.. :)
wish me being a good chef..
Have a good day pals..
oh, i almost forgot.. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAJINDRA PRAMUDYA WULLUR!! i wish u got the best, my little baby.." :) mwaaahh!!
i wanna made another meal my own.. i love cooking!! :p beside it's my hubby's requirements of being his wife.. :)
wish me being a good chef..
Have a good day pals..
oh, i almost forgot.. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAJINDRA PRAMUDYA WULLUR!! i wish u got the best, my little baby.." :) mwaaahh!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
wednesday morning..
Morning All!!
wake up late is my hobby.. hohoho..
it's all because i was watching DVD, It's Complicated.
Am totally love it! especially for Meryl Streep's act. she is perfect!! love her much.. :)
Back to my wake-up-late. i opened my eyes at 06.30 AM while my train is going at 06.23 AM.. haha..
Suddenly i think about getting sick and won't go to client.. haha.. but i remember it's my first day in other section, so i should have to know 'bout the problem there.
Taking the 4th train after my ussual train, and buy kerupuk bangka for being my and my coworker snack.. the picture is below.
yumyum.. :)
wake up late is my hobby.. hohoho..
it's all because i was watching DVD, It's Complicated.
Am totally love it! especially for Meryl Streep's act. she is perfect!! love her much.. :)
Back to my wake-up-late. i opened my eyes at 06.30 AM while my train is going at 06.23 AM.. haha..
Suddenly i think about getting sick and won't go to client.. haha.. but i remember it's my first day in other section, so i should have to know 'bout the problem there.
Taking the 4th train after my ussual train, and buy kerupuk bangka for being my and my coworker snack.. the picture is below.

my cookies project is threaten to be failed. i planed to make it at my sister's home, but i am just knowing that she doesnt have oven. :( can i make it at my BF home? (wishing he reads my blogs :p)
today is the grand opening of Apple Store at my Campus, really want to know what will they offer..
And for my hubby, take care in Bandung, i'm gonna miss u.. cuph!
Happy Kartini's Day!!! ^__^ enjoy ur day pals..
today is the grand opening of Apple Store at my Campus, really want to know what will they offer..
And for my hubby, take care in Bandung, i'm gonna miss u.. cuph!
Happy Kartini's Day!!! ^__^ enjoy ur day pals..
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Cookies by me.. :)

making Cookies Famous Amos "wannabe", the recipe is from here
or u can see below, i rewrite it for u..
Bahan Cookies:
3/4 cup gula pasir
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup butter
1 telur
2 1/4tepung terigu
1 sdt baking soda
1/2 sdt salt
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup semisweet choc. chips
Campur dan kocok gula pasir, brown sugar, dan telur. Lalu masukkan baking soda, tepung terigu, dan salt. Setelah tercampur rata masuukan chopped nuts dan choc. chips.
Taruh adonan dengan bentuk bulat2 kira2 sebebsar sendok makan dan dengan jarak yang agak jauh yah antar sesama kue..(takut nempel) diatas loyang yang sudah dilapisi mentega dan kertas roti. Bakar 8-10 menit atau sampai terlihat kecoklatan, walaupun bagian tengah akan tampak tetap lunak. Dinginkan, klo mau tahan lama dan renyah taruh dilemari es.
Let's try it!! :D
my (wished to be) project
I love room decorating..
this is my reference from bellemaison
gonna take our smile photo
this is my reference from bellemaison
i've bought some stuff to make this project, but i have no time.. :(
so i still call it my (wished to be) project.
also check DIYideas for reference.. u can do-it-yourself :)
so i still call it my (wished to be) project.
also check DIYideas for reference.. u can do-it-yourself :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Nose Bleeding

I hate nose bleeding!! it always happened while i am getting tired.. :(
and this morning, i woke up with blood on my nose and covering my pillow..
i hate because i have to change my pillow case, wash my pillow case.. rrrrr too lazy to do that.. hihi..
a lot of room things to do today, and i have followed my best friend blogs octa
enjoy ur day pals!!
PS: check out our blog
Sunday, April 18, 2010
My First time
akhirnya aku buat blogs juga.
semoga langkah pertama ini akan diteruskan dan tidak berhenti di tengah jalan like another projects
time to share..
akhirnya aku buat blogs juga.
semoga langkah pertama ini akan diteruskan dan tidak berhenti di tengah jalan like another projects
time to share..
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